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Benefits For Agent Orange Veterans

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Vietnam Veterans Blue Water Navy

Illnesses Caused by and Connected to Agent Orange | Department of Veterans Affairs | theSITREP

Veterans that served on boats in the brown water rivers and tributaries of Vietnam were always considered to have been exposed to Agent Orange. Unfortunately, for years those on ships in the blue water deep waters off the coast were not.Fortunately, in January 2019 it was ruled that Blue Water Navy Veterans that were generally located within 12 nautical miles of Vietnam are now considered to have presumptively been exposed to Agent Orange just as the boots on the ground veterans are.

You should file for service-connected disability as soon as possible to obtain the earliest start date of your benefit.

Gulf War Era And Post

Weve added more than 20 burn pit and other toxic exposure presumptive conditions based on the PACT Act. This change expands benefits for Gulf War era and post-9/11 Veterans.

These cancers are now presumptive:

  • The United Arab Emirates
  • The airspace above any of these locations

Were extending and expanding VA health care eligibility based on the PACT Act. We encourage you to apply, no matter your separation date. Your eligibility depends on your service history and other factors.

If you meet the requirements listed here, you can get free VA health care for any condition related to your service for up to 10 years from the date of your most recent discharge or separation. You can also enroll at any time during this period and get any care you need, but you may owe a copay for some care.

At least one of these must be true of your active-duty service:

  • You served in a theater of combat operations during a period of war after the Persian Gulf War, or
  • You served in combat against a hostile force during a period of hostilities after November 11, 1998

And this must be true for you:

  • You were discharged or released on or after October 1, 2013

We encourage you to enroll now so we can provide any care you may need now or in the future. Enrollment is free.

If you meet the requirements listed here, you can receive care and enroll during a special enrollment period between , and .

At least one of these must be true of your active-duty service:

And both of these must be true for you:

If Your Condition Is Not Listed You Might Still Qualify For Benefits

Your service records will help a VA disability lawyer determine whether you were likely exposed to Agent Orange. Although the conditions listed above are most commonly linked to exposure, you may still qualify to receive benefits if you are suffering from an unlisted condition. Under these circumstances, however, VAs presumed service connection may not apply.

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Expanded List Of Diseases Linked To The Herbicide Means More Veterans And Their Survivors Qualify

by David Frank, AARP, November 2, 2018

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Many Vietnam veterans and their survivors may be missing out on substantial payments they are entitled to receive as a result of exposure to Agent Orange, veterans advocates say.

Though most veterans are aware of the toxic nature of Agent Orange, an herbicide used to clear foliage in Vietnam, not everyone has kept track as the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has expanded a list of diseases that make it easier to qualify for benefits. Until the 1990s, the government recognized only one ailment a skin condition called chloracne as being linked to Agent Orange. But over the years, the VA list of medical conditions associated with Agent Orange has grown to more than a dozen, including some that are much more prevalent.

There are still thousands of vets who dont realize their disease is on the list, says Bart Stichman, executive director of the National Veterans Legal Services Program , a nonprofit that helps veterans, survivors and active duty personnel pursue service-related benefits.

The diseases now on the VAs Agent Orange list are ischemic heart disease, lung and trachea cancers, prostate cancer, multiple myeloma, Hodgkins disease, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, Parkinsons Disease, type 2 diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, AL amyloidosis, chronic B-cell leukemia, chloracne, early-onset peripheral neuropathy, porphyria cutanea tarda, and soft tissue sarcomas.

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Agent Orange Effects On Children Of Veterans

Veterans Benefits: Veterans Benefits Network Agent Orange

Children who have spina bifida or certain other birth defects and are biological children of veterans with qualifying service in Vietnam or Korea may be eligible for a range of VA benefits, including:

  • Compensation – a monthly monetary allowance based on the child’s degree of disability
  • Health care benefits
  • Vocational training, which provides up to 24 months of full-time training, rehabilitation and job assistance with the possibility of an extension up to 24 months if needed to achieve the employment goal. The child may not begin vocational training before their 18th birthday or the date they complete secondary schooling, whichever comes first.

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A Word About Blue Water Navy Veterans

Some veterans who may have been exposed as part of their military service were denied VA claims because the agency at one time, determined that your disability wasnt causedor made worseby your active-duty service.

However legislation passed in 2019 called the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act was signed into law and took effect Jan. 1, 2020. This law extended a presumption of herbicide exposure to Navy veterans who served in the Republic of Vietnam and in offshore waters in the area.

The VA official site says, Blue Water Navy Survivors, and certain dependents may be entitled to benefits if the Veteran was exposed. If you had an Agent Orange claim that was denied by the VA in the past, it may be worth looking into resubmitting the claim or asking the VA how to get your case reviewed in light of the 2019 law.

Doing so could result in certain cases with qualifying circumstances in a VA claim award that includes a retroactive payment to the date of your original claim. This is called a retroactive payment and you should NOT assume you dont qualify for onemake the VA review your records.

Joe Wallace is a 13-year veteran of the United States Air Force and a former reporter for Air Force Television News

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Requirements For Presumption Of Exposure

Eligibility for VA disability benefits on the basis of Agent Orange exposure has several service requirements.

Between January 9, 1962, and May 7, 1975, you must have served for any length of time in at least one of these locations:
  • In the Republic of Vietnam, or
  • Aboard a U.S. military vessel that operated in the inland waterways of Vietnam, or
  • On a vessel operating not more than 12 nautical miles seaward from the demarcation line of the waters of Vietnam and Cambodia, or
  • On regular perimeter duty on the fenced-in perimeters of a U.S. Army installation in Thailand or a Royal Thai Air Force base. These bases include U-Tapao, Ubon, Nakhon Phanom, Udorn, Takhli, Korat, or Don Muang.
Or at least one of these must be true. You:
  • Served in or near the Korean DMZ for any length of time between September 1, 1967, and August 31, 1971, or
  • Served on active duty in a regular Air Force unit location where a C-123 aircraft with traces of Agent Orange was assigned, and had repeated contact with this aircraft due to your flight, ground, or medical duties, or
  • Were involved in transporting, testing, storing, or other uses of Agent Orange during your military service, or
  • Were assigned as a Reservist to certain flight, ground, or medical crew duties at one of the below locations.

Eligible Reserve locations, time periods, and units include:

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How Vietnam Vets Can Apply For Agent Orange

There are two requirements in order for veterans to qualify for Agent Orange-related disability benefits:

  • You must have an illness linked to Agent Orange exposure , and
  • You must have had contact with the herbicide during active military service .
  • Veterans and qualified dependents are eligible. And if your illness isnt listed among Agent Orange-related conditions shown above, you may still qualify. Youll just need to show that the condition started during your military service. Once you determine whether or not youre qualified, youre ready to file a VA disability claim. You can do this in 3 different ways:

    Eligibility For Health Care

    Agent Orange Exposure: How VA Can Help | Department of Veterans Affairs | theSITREP

    Veterans first must enroll in VA’s health care system to receive care. There are many ways a Veteran may qualify, including:

    • Served in Vietnam between January 9, 1962 and May 7, 1975
    • Served on a vessel operating not more than 12 nautical miles seaward from the demarcation line of the waters of Vietnam and Cambodia, as defined in Public Law 116-23
    • Have a military service-connected disability
    • Meet certain income criteria

    Apply online for VA health care.

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    Presumptive Va Disability Benefits For Agent Orange Exposure

    The Agent Orange Act of 1991 mentioned above established a presumptive service connection for veterans who served during certain times, in specific locations, who have any of the conditions listed above. This connection means that veterans who meet these criteria dont need to show any additional evidence to establish a service connection to their condition.

    Veterans who are presumed to have been exposed to Agent Orange are those who served in:

    • Vietnam: On land and some vessels between Jan. 9, 1962, and May 7, 1975. This exposure includes those stationed in Blue Water Navy ships.
    • C-123 Airplanes: Residue caused exposure to those around these plans after the Vietnam War.
    • Korea: In the demilitarized zone between Sept. 1, 1967, and Aug. 31, 1971.

    The VA also acknowledges that Agent Orange was stored in other places. It currently handles claims of exposure in these locations on a case-by-case basis:

    • Thailand: In Thailand or at the Royal Thai Air Force base between Jan. 9, 1962, and May 7, 1975.
    • Herbicide Tests and Storage: This exposure may have occurred at military bases in the U.S. or other countries.
    • Laos: between Dec. 1, 1965 and Sept. 30, 1969
    • Cambodia: at Mimot or Krek, Kampong Cham Province between April 16, 1969, April 30, 1969
    • Guam or American Samoa : between Jan. 9, 1962, and July 31, 1980
    • Johnston Atoll : between Jan. 1, 1972, and Sept. 30, 1977

    Agent Orange Va Compensation

    If you, your spouse, or a parent was exposed to Agent Orange during their military service and developed cancer or another medical condition listed below, you may be entitled to compensation of up to $39,000 per year in tax-free VA benefits. If the VA denied a claim many years ago, it may be able to be re-opened.

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    Approves Historic Toxic Exposure Legislation


    WASHINGTON The Senate Veterans Affairs Committee advanced legislation introduced by U.S. Senator John Boozman that would eliminate barriers to benefits for veterans exposed to Agent Orange who served in Thailand during the Vietnam War-era as part of a comprehensive package to improve Department of Veterans Affairs health care and benefits for veterans exposed to toxic substances during their service in uniform.

    This is an important step in supporting the promises we made to our veterans and ensuring they get the care and benefits they have earned, Boozman said. The VA wrongly imposes arbitrary limitations on the presumption of toxic exposure to Agent Orange for veterans who served in Thailand. Im pleased my colleagues on the Veterans Affairs Committee agree that this must be corrected.

    The VA currently awards service-connected benefits for exposure to toxic chemicals to veterans whose duties placed them on or near the perimeters of Thai military bases from February 28, 1961 to May 7, 1975. This restriction arbitrarily disqualifies veterans who may otherwise be able to prove their exposure, regardless of their assigned duties during their time stationed in Thailand.

    Agent Orange Va Benefits

    Va Spouse Benefits Agent Orange

    If you or someone you know was exposed to Agent Orange, the Department of Veterans Affairs has options that can help, starting with a health screening that can help determine the nature and severity of the exposure as well as any potential treatment that may be needed .

    There is help available from the VA, but the first step is to get the screening. Why are Agent Orange issues important to the VA?

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    What Are Some Conditions Caused By Agent Orange

    The Agent Orange Presumptive List is extensive, and should be reviewed in full for any veteran concerned they may be suffering from conditions caused by herbicide exposure. Here are a number of notable conditions:

    • Amyloid light-chain amyloidosis
    • Chloracne, or other acneform disease consistent with chloracne
    • All Chronic B-cell leukemias
    • Diabetes mellitus, Type 2
    • Lymphoma, Hodgkins, formerly known as Hodgkins disease
    • Multiple myeloma
    • Respiratory cancers
    • Soft-tissue sarcoma
    • Ischemic heart disease
    • Parkinsons disease

    How The Honoring Our Pact Act Helps Those Exposed In Thailand

    Prior to the passage of the PACT Act, veterans could only be eligible for presumptive service connection if they served near the perimeter of specific bases. This often meant that the veteran needed to prove that their MOS required them to be near the perimeter of the base.

    With the PACT ACT, veterans who served in Thailand are eligible for presumptive service connection, regardless of their MOS or where on base they were located. As long as the veteran served at any US or Thai base in Thailand between January 1, 1962 and June 30, 1976, they should be eligible for presumptive service connection through the PACT Act.

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    How Much Compensation Can I Get For A Disability From Camp Lejeune Water Contamination

    Once service connection is proven for a disability that was the result of exposure to herbicide agents, the amount of monthly, tax-free payments that a veteran receives will depend on their specific disability and how much that disability affects earning capacity.

    For example, type 2 diabetes disabilities are assigned disability ratings based on whether a veteran must treat his or her diabetes with injections of insulin, restricted diet, regulation of activities, and whether the disability causes hospitalizations or symptoms like weight loss.

    Generally, asymptomatic conditions are assigned a 0 percent disability rating, meaning the veteran gets no monthly disability compensation for that condition.

    Click here to learn more about how the VA assigns disability ratings and determines the amount of monthly disability compensation.

    If you believe that the VA is not fairly compensating your disability from Agent Orange exposure, contact us today to review your claim or appeal.

    Requirements For Agent Orange Presumptive Diseases

    Agent Orange Registries and Why They Matter | Department of Veterans Affairs | theSITREP

    We consider a condition presumptive when its established by law or regulation. If youve been diagnosed with one of these conditions, you dont need to prove that it started duringor got worse because ofyour military service.

    • Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance
    • Porphyria cutanea tardaNote: Under our rating regulations, this condition must be at least 10% disabling within 1 year of herbicide exposure.

    If you have a cancer or illness thats not on our list of presumptive conditions, but you believe it was caused by Agent Orange exposure, you can still file a claim for VA disability benefits. But youll need to submit more evidence. Keep reading to learn about service requirements and supporting evidence.

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    Hr : The Agent Orange Act Of 1991

    H.R. 556, the Agent Orange Act of 1991, was passed by the 102nd Congress in 1991. This act established a presumptive connection between certain service-connected diseases caused by exposure to herbicide agents including dioxide unless the contrary can be proven with affirmative evidence. This single act by Congress made it much easier for Vietnam veterans to qualify for Agent Orange benefits.

    Producing evidence that was sufficient to definitively prove that an illness was linked to exposure to Agent Orange was very difficult for many veterans, and these vets were often denied VA compensation as a result. The Agent Orange Act of 1991 changed that by making a presumption that certain illnesses and diseases were caused by herbicide exposure in service unless it can be proved otherwise.

    The Pact Act And Your Va Benefits

    The PACT Act is a new law that expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to burn pits and other toxic substances. This law helps us provide generations of Veterans and their survivors with the care and benefits theyve earned and deserve.

    This page will help answer your questions about what the PACT Act means for you or your loved ones. You can also call us at . And you can file a claim for PACT Act-related disability compensation or apply for VA health care now.

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    Health Care Benefits For Veterans Exposed To Agent Orange

    The passing of the Agent Orange Act in 1991 expanded the benefits available to Vietnam veterans exposed to defoliants, dioxin, and herbicides known as Agent Orange. The act allowed the National Academy of Sciences to gather and analyze data to learn more about presumptive military exposure to toxins during the Vietnam era.

    As a result of this research, veterans with Agent Orange exposure can enroll in VA health care. To be eligible, veterans must have served in the Vietnam War anytime during the period of January 9, 1962, through May 7, 1975, in Vietnam or on a vessel within 12 nautical miles of the demarcation line of Vietnam and Cambodia waters. Eligibility is also based on income limits.

    Applying for VA health care is a quick process. Typically, veterans will receive a decision within one week. Veterans can apply online or by printing out the VA form 10-10EZ and delivering it to a local VA clinic in person or through the mail. Veterans can also apply over the phone.

    Some basic information is needed to apply for VA health care. Be sure to have the following information available before beginning the application:

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